
World Knowledge Box

All Planets Are Revloving Around Sun In Counter Clockwise Direction

All planets revolve around the sun in a counter-clockwise direction. Venus and Uranus are rotating about its axis from east to west while the other 6 plants are rotating from west to east.

Why do all planets orbit the sun in the same direction? Does Uranus rotate clockwise or counterclockwise?do all planets orbit the sun in the same plane?

All Planets Are Revolving Around Sun In a clockwise Direction
✅ Short-sighted, Concave

✅ Long-sighted, Convex

✅Rear view, Convex

✅Dental mirror, Concave

✅Car headlight, Concave

✅Humane aye, 576MP(mega mixel)

✅Humane ayes, bye-convex.

✅Largest Moon is Ganymede.

✅ The Largest Planet is Jupiter.

✅Largest Star is Barnard's Star.

🌟Venus planet orbits around the sun in a clockwise direction.

🌟All eight planets revolve around the Sun in a counterclockwise (anticlockwise) direction.

✔️Zahid Quraishi the first Muslim federal judge in US history.

✔️Nusrat Jahan Choudhary the first American Muslim woman nominated served as a federal judge.

Why Do Dogs Keep Their Tongue Out?

If you're a dog owner or simply an admirer of these lovable creatures, you've probably noticed that dogs often have a penchant for keeping their tongues out. While it might seem like a playful or even comical gesture, there's more to this behavior than meets the eye. In this article, we'll delve into the intriguing reasons why dogs stick their tongues out and uncover the science behind this endearing habit.

Cooling Mechanism:

One of the primary reasons dogs keep their tongues out is to regulate their body temperature. Unlike humans who sweat, dogs lack sweat glands, making it harder for them to cool down. By panting and keeping their tongues out, dogs can expel excess heat, allowing cooler air to overhaul through their mouth, which aids in dissipating body heat effectively.

Stress and Excitement:

Dogs often stick their tongues out when they're excited or anxious. Much like how humans may fidget or bite their nails in nervous situations, dogs might exhibit this behavior when experiencing abundant emotions. Whether it's the anticipation of a walk, the arrival of a beloved human, or the sight of a squirrel, the tongue-out display is a manifestation of their emotional state.

Communication and Expression:

Dogs are awkwardly expressive animals, and their tongues play a role in non-verbal communication. When a dog hangs its tongue slightly out, it can convey a sense of relaxation and contentment. On the other hand, a lolling tongue might signal submission or a desire to play. Understanding these nuances can help pet owners better interpret their furry friend's feelings.

Dental and Oral Health:

A partially protruding tongue can serve a practical purpose in oral hygiene. The movement of the tongue against the teeth can help dislodge debris and prevent plaque buildup. Additionally, a maintaining tongue could be a sign of dental issues, so regular check-ups with a veterinarian are crucial for ensuring your pup's mouth remains healthy.

Breed and Anatomy:

Certain breeds are more prone to tongue-out behavior due to their physiological makeup. Brachycephalic breeds, such as Bulldogs and Pugs, have shorter muzzles and are more likely to pant and extend their tongues as a cooling mechanism. older dogs might display this behavior more often as their muscles weaken with age.


The next time you catch your canine companion with their tongue playfully hanging out, remember that there's a fascinating array of reasons behind this charming gesture. From cooling down and expressing emotions to maintaining oral health and breed-specific tendencies, your dog's adorable tongue-out moments are a window into their world of communication and well-being. 
Embrace this endearing behavior as a legacy to the unique and wonderful ways our furry friends connect with us and their environment.

Trade Marketing Strategies And All New Updates To 2024

Trade marketing is an extensive marketing strategy that tries to grow the demands between the supply chain stakeholders like retailers, wholesalers, and distributor level instead of only customer level. Trade marketing is the basic concept of promoting your items at the point of sale or store, along throughout with the value chain. Consider the idea of ​​building demands for your products before they reach the consumer throughout the channel.

Trade marketing is also known as B2B or business-to-business marketing. Promotional activities help to boost the value of products between the partners.

Trade Marketing Strategies And All New Updates To 2024

  • Different activities of promotion are:
  • branded merchandise
  • Offer discount at launch
  • Gift with purchase
  • Floor posters, in-store TV, and in-store radio
  • To ensure the prominent display of the product
  • More shelf space
  • Wide distribution
  • Inclusion in seasonal promotion

There are examples of some products that don't need human intervention for successful sale such as batteries, toothpaste, etc. have alternatives. The company must give some discounts, some freebies, or better margins to ensure the product is accessible.

  • Trade marketing tools
  • Websites
  • Email marketing
  • branded content
  • Social media platforms, for example, Facebook, WhatsApp groups, Instagram, etc.
  • Benefits of trade marketing
  • Trade marketing makes sure that the supply of your products can always meet demands by increasing purchases at the supply chain level
  • Trade marketing can develop and maintain a relationship with main supply chain connections.
  • Trade marketing helps your business to remain successful and profitable if you do not clearly understand your end-user
  • If your marketing is strong enough, traders will always prefer and promote your product over the opponents and provide longevity
  • Methods of Trade Marketing

Digital Marketing

Social is an important means that helps in marketing, for example, content marketing, Facebook ads, and email. The trade marketer can execute by their plans online like a digital marketing platform.


The reason for successful marketing of a product is due to the strong brand behind it. Smart branding is a key factor in trade marketing.

Trade promotions

Manufacturers always require good and strong relationships with distributors, wholesalers, and retailers. Different offers and creative promotions attract customers.

Trade shows

Trade shows provide awareness and are good for business relationships and ideal networking.

Trade websites

Articles will have a major impact on your brand. Your business may gain authenticity and trust through PR.

Future updates to 2024

Social media content

In the past, there are some hurdles to selling on social media. But in 2022 social media marketing is the most important trend through social media popular channels. The quality images and video content must be included in your marketing strategy.

Influencer marketing

Some companies have influencer marketing as an integral part of their strategies, but for others it's new. Influencer marketing will become common marketing in 2022. About 38% of respondents raise their online influencer connection in the future.

Micro-influencers: These are the promoters on social media with fewer followers, like 1thousan to 10 thousand. They are everyday people and play an essential role in boosting the brand and connecting the audience.

Video Marketing

Marketing through video content or via images is more engaging than simple text. Video content helps achieve the target audience's level and promotes the brand.

Audio content

A clubhouse is an audio chatroom app, that can obtain millions of people with no visual content. HubSpot is another popular big brand that expanded its networks and podcast to attract more listeners.

Content marketing

According to a housing report, the demand for content has enhanced in the previous twelve months. High-quality content can show new customers and engage the clients.


The much-loved personalization is #SpotifyWrapped features. in digital marketing, all the trends move toward personalization. Personalizing attracts more customers by sparking conversation and a greater engagement level.

Virtual events

The investment by the marketer in 2021 was 51% in virtual events. But marketers plan to reduce the investment by about 17% in 2022. It is expected in 2022 to see hybrid marketing plans that permit the audience to hold virtual events, conferences, and physical opportunities as well.

FAQs About Trade Marketing

What are the important factors a manufacturer should keep in mind while marketing?

  • Schedule of promotion including time of sale
  • Promotion should be on a theme like at the time of the new year, festivals, etc.
  • Always plan
  • Promotion should be not only for sale but also help to grow your brand

How did trade marketing get important?

In the 1990s, first-time trade marketing became significant. After a 17-year career in consumer products somewhat of a pioneer in shopper marketing, Mike is the CEO of the company engaged. This company helps different organizations to understand the needed strategies for marketing.

Trade marketing gained importance due to various critical issues

  • Media fragmentation
  • The popularity of category management
  • Retail consolidation.
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